
Shingle Cracking vs. Splitting: Is There a Difference?

In North America, asphalt shingles remain the most popular roofing material for residential properties because they are relatively inexpensive and…

3 years ago

What Should I Look for in a Roof Warranty?

Roof replacement comes with significant costs. So, you have to make sure to check the warranties because these will serve…

3 years ago

Why Homeowners Can’t Repair Roof Decking

Roof decking is a layer of materials found between the structure of your roof, trusses and rafters, and the shingles.…

3 years ago

DIY Roof Repairs: What Are the Risks & Why It’s a Bad Idea

Addressing problems immediately helps in extending the life of residential roofing systems. Today, many people seek advice online when they encounter issues…

3 years ago

How Can Humidity Affect Your Roofing System?

Moisture is the worst enemy of different parts of your home, including the roof. You can keep your attic healthy…

3 years ago